The Official Scottish Rugby Podcast brings fans exclusive behind the scenes interviews and information, news and discussion from the home of Scottish Rugby. It showcases the game across the country at all levels this podcast offering should be on every Scottish rugby fan's podcast playlist.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Episode 54 | Dominic McKay, Dr James Robson and Sheila Begbie
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
On this week's Official Scottish Rugby Podcast, Al Kellock, Rachel Malcolm and Jamie McMillan are joined by three members of the Scottish Rugby leadership group to discuss the latest updates in relation to COVID-19 and the impact on rugby in Scotland.
Covering the professional and domestic game, Dominic McKay, Dr James Robson and Sheila Begbie provide an update on when rugby could return as well what professional rugby training will look light when the Scottish Government give them the green light to proceed.